american bobtail

American Bobtail Pax on the cover of Cat Fancy

Beloved American Bobtails welcomes you to our home to meet us, or, you are welcome to call and be introduced to the most amazing pet that will ever own you. American Bobtails are very doglike in that they can be taught tricks, they fetch, walk on leashes, and love car rides.

AMERICAN BOBTAILS are a naturally occuring short tailed breed of cat that was initially found out West. The people that adopted these cats found them to be extremely loving, healthy, hearty, loyal and intelligent which they attributed to their survival in the wild

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american bobtail
american bobtail american bobtail

A huge THANK YOU to my friend and famous cat (and part-time dog) photographer,
Helmi Flick, who took the amazing photographs you'll see on my website.
It was a thrill and privilege to experience the professional Helmi and Ken at work
photographing my cattery and my dogs too.
But an even greater gift is to be able to call them my friends.

Ellen R. Brenner
Beloved American Bobtails
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003


shiloh shepherds

Copyright 2010 Beloved American Bobtails
All content on this site is the property of Beloved American Bobtails, and
any use of any material on this site requires that any user gets
written permission from Beloved American Bobtails. Additionally all photos on
this site are copyrighted by the respective photographers, and any
potential users must get written permission from them (the
photographers) before any uses can be made.

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